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EELA Documents

Eligibility for Membership rules

APPENDIX A – Eligibility for Membership

Any lawyer shall be eligible for membership pursuant to section 4(1) of the Constitution, if she/he meets the following criteria in her/his jurisdiction:


Austria Any member of the Austrian Bar who practises employment law to a substantial extent.

Belgium Any member of the Belgian bar who practises employment law to a substantial extent.

Bulgaria Any qualified lawyer who is a member of a Bar Association in Bulgaria and who practices employment law to a substantial extent.

Cyprus Any qualified lawyer registered with the Cyprus Bar Association who practises employment law to a substantial extent.

Czech Republic Any qualified lawyer duly registered with the Czech Bar Association who practises employment law to a substantial extent.

Denmark Any qualified lawyer duly enrolled at the Danish Bar and Law Society and who practises employment and/or labour law to a substantial extent.

England and Wales Any solicitor, barrister, advocate or legal executive who is qualified to practise law in England and Wales and who practises employment law to a substantial extent.

Estonia Any professionally qualified lawyer who is a member of a Bar Association in Estonia and who practises employment law to a substantial extent.

Finland Any professionally qualified lawyer who is a member of a Finnish Bar Association and who practices employment law to a substantial extent.

France Any qualified lawyer who is a member of a Bar Association in France and who practises employment law to a substantial extent.

Germany Any lawyer who is a certified labour attorney (“Fachanwalt fur Arbeitsrecht”) pursuant to the Regulation on the Specialization of Lawyers of 29 November 1996 (“Fachanwaltsordnung”), as amended from time to time, or meets the criteria stipulated in sections 2-6 and 10 Fachanwaltsordnung that would allow her/him to apply for immediate certification as certified labour attorney.

Greece Any qualified lawyer who is a member of good standing of a Bar Association in Greece and who practises employment law to a substantial extent.

Hungary Any qualified lawyer duly enrolled with the Hungarian Bar Association as Attorney («Ügyvéd»), Assistant Attorney or European Community Jurist pursuant to the Hungarian Act XI of 1998 on Attorneys at law («Az ügyvédekról szóló 1998. évi XI. törvény”»), as amended from time to time, who practises employment law to a substantial extent.

Iceland Any member of the Icelandic Bar Association who practices employment law to a substantial extent.

Ireland Any qualified solicitor enrolled with the Law Society of Ireland as a practising solicitor or any barrister who is a member of the Law Library, and who practises employment law to a substantial extent.

Italy Any qualified lawyer who is a member of a Bar Association in Italy and who practises employment law to a substantial extent.

Latvia Any professionally qualified lawyer who is a member of a Bar Association in Latvia and who practises employment law to a substantial extent.

Liechtenstein Any qualified lawyer who is a member of the Liechtenstein Bar Association and who practices employment law to a substantial extent.

Lithuania Any professionally qualified lawyer who is a member of a Bar Association in Lithuania and who practises employment law to a substantial extent.

Luxembourg Any qualified lawyer who is a member of the Luxembourg Bar Association and who practises employment law to a substantial extent.

Malta Any qualified lawyer who has obtained a warrant to appear before the Courts of Malta and who practises employment law to a substantial extent.

The Netherlands Any qualified lawyer who has been a member of the Dutch Bar Association for more than five years and practises employment law to a substantial extent.

Northern Ireland Any professionally qualified lawyer who practices employment law to a substantial extent and holding a current practising certificate issued by the Law Society of Northern Ireland or is a member of the Bar of Northern Ireland.

Norway Any fully qualified lawyer with the licence to conduct cases before the courts on an independent basis (« advokatbevilling ») and who practises employment law to a substantial extent.

Poland Any member of the Polish Bar of Advocates or the Polish Bar of Legal Counsels who practises employment law to a substantial extent.

Portugal Any qualified lawyer duly enrolled at the Portuguese Bar Association who practises employment law to a substantial extent.

Romania Any qualified lawyer who is a member of a Bar Association in Romania and who practises employment law to a substantial extent.

Scotland Any qualified lawyer who, if a solicitor, is either (a) an accredited specialist in employment law under the Law Society of Scotland Accredited Specialist Scheme or (b) a member of the Employment Law Group of the Law Society of Scotland; or, if an advocate, an advocate who practises employment law to a substantial extent.

Slovakia Any member of the Slovak Bar Association as an “advocate” pursuant to sections 2 and 30 of the Slovak Advocacy Law («Zakon o advokacii»), who practises employment law to a substantial extent.

Slovenia Any member of the Slovenian Bar Association who practises employment law to a substantial extent.

Spain Any qualified lawyer duly enrolled at the Spanish National Bar Association who practises employment law to a substantial extent.

Sweden Any qualified lawyer duly enrolled at the Swedish Bar Association who practises employment law to a substantial extent.

Switzerland Any qualified lawyer duly admitted to practice in Switzerland and registered with a Cantonal Bar Registry who practises employment law to a substantial extent for more than five years.

European Employment
Lawyers Association (EELA)

c/o Rechtsanwälte Gleiss Lutz
Lautenschlagerstraße 21
70173 Stuttgart


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